Robert Ian Bowers

Universidade do Minho, Braga, Braga, Portugal 
Psychology, behaviour systems
"Robert Bowers"
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Bowers RI. (2020) William D. Timberlake (1942-2019). The American Psychologist. 75: 734
Bowers RI. (2019) Six clarifications for behaviour systems. Behavioural Processes. 170: 103987
Bowers RI, Domjan M, Killeen PR. (2019) William Timberlake's legacy of innovation. Behavioural Processes. 169: 103991
Bowers RI, Timberlake W. (2018) Causal reasoning in rats' behaviour systems. Royal Society Open Science. 5: 171448
Bowers RI, Timberlake W. (2018) Intervening to learn about effects of one’s actions Animal Behavior and Cognition. 5: 79-102
Bowers RI. (2018) A common heritage of behaviour systems Behaviour. 155: 415-442
Bowers RI, Timberlake W. (2017) Do rats learn conditional independence? Royal Society Open Science. 4: 160994
Köksal F, Domjan M, Kurt A, et al. (2004) An animal model of fetishism. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 42: 1421-34
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