Minyoo Kim

Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea 
Neural circuit, Homeostasis
"Minyoo Kim"
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Ahn BH, Kim M, Kim SY. (2022) Brain circuits for promoting homeostatic and non-homeostatic appetites. Experimental & Molecular Medicine. 54: 349-357
Kim M, Heo G, Kim SY. (2022) Neural signalling of gut mechanosensation in ingestive and digestive processes. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience
Jung S, Lee M, Kim DY, et al. (2021) A forebrain neural substrate for behavioral thermoregulation. Neuron
Kim DY, Heo G, Kim M, et al. (2020) A neural circuit mechanism for mechanosensory feedback control of ingestion. Nature. 580: 376-380
Kim D, Kim M, Heo G, et al. (2019) A neural circuit mechanism for monitoring and controlling ingestion Ibro Reports. 6: S518
Ryu H, Jung S, Lee M, et al. (2019) A hypothalamic circuit for behavioral thermoregulation Ibro Reports. 6
Kim MS, Yoo BC, Yang WS, et al. (2018) Src is the primary target of aripiprazole, an atypical antipsychotic drug, in its anti-tumor action. Oncotarget. 9: 5979-5992
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