Dario Valenzano

2006-2013 Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 
"Dario Valenzano"
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Lyu YX, Fu Q, Wilczok D, et al. (2024) Longevity biotechnology: bridging AI, biomarkers, geroscience and clinical applications for healthy longevity. Aging. 16
Morabito G, Ryabova A, Valenzano DR. (2024) Immune aging in annual killifish. Immunity & Ageing : I & A. 21: 18
Xu A, Teefy BB, Lu RJ, et al. (2023) Transcriptomes of aging brain, heart, muscle, and spleen from female and male African turquoise killifish. Scientific Data. 10: 695
de Bakker DEM, Valenzano DR. (2023) Turquoise killifish: A natural model of age-dependent brain degeneration. Ageing Research Reviews. 90: 102019
Seidel J, Popkes M, Valenzano DR. (2023) Taxonomic Profiling of Fecal and Intestinal Microbiota in the African Turquoise Killifish . Cold Spring Harbor Protocols
Promislow D, Anderson RM, Scheffer M, et al. (2022) Resilience integrates concepts in aging research. Iscience. 25: 104199
Bradshaw WJ, Poeschla M, Placzek A, et al. (2022) Extensive age-dependent loss of antibody diversity in naturally short-lived turquoise killifish. Elife. 11
Mkrtchyan GV, Abdelmohsen K, Andreux P, et al. (2020) ARDD 2020: from aging mechanisms to interventions. Aging. 12
Willemsen D, Cui R, Reichard M, et al. (2020) Intra-species differences in population size shape life history and genome evolution. Elife. 9
Bradshaw WJ, Valenzano DR. (2020) Extreme genomic volatility characterizes the evolution of the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus in cyprinodontiform fishes. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 287: 20200489
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