Elizabeth Pollina
Affiliations: | 2008-2014 | Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States |
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Pollina EA, Greer EL. (2023) Prometheus unshackled: Liver regeneration makes you young. Molecular Cell. 83: 1546-1548 |
Pollina EA, Gilliam DT, Landau AT, et al. (2023) A NPAS4-NuA4 complex couples synaptic activity to DNA repair. Nature |
Girskis KM, Stergachis AB, DeGennaro EM, et al. (2021) Rewiring of human neurodevelopmental gene regulatory programs by human accelerated regions. Neuron |
Wang SY, Pollina EA, Wang IH, et al. (2021) Role of epigenetics in unicellular to multicellular transition in Dictyostelium. Genome Biology. 22: 134 |
Vaccaro A, Kaplan Dor Y, Nambara K, et al. (2020) Sleep Loss Can Cause Death through Accumulation of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Gut. Cell |
Benayoun BA, Pollina EA, Singh PP, et al. (2019) Remodeling of epigenome and transcriptome landscapes with aging in mice reveals widespread induction of inflammatory responses. Genome Research |
Sharma N, Pollina EA, Nagy MA, et al. (2019) ARNT2 Tunes Activity-Dependent Gene Expression through NCoR2-Mediated Repression and NPAS4-Mediated Activation. Neuron |
Leeman DS, Hebestreit K, Ruetz T, et al. (2018) Lysosome activation clears aggregates and enhances quiescent neural stem cell activation during aging. Science (New York, N.Y.). 359: 1277-1283 |
Benayoun B, Pollina EA, Brunet A. (2018) EPIGENOMICS OF AGING IN VERTEBRATES Innovation in Aging. 2: 625-625 |
Tan MH, Li Q, Shanmugam R, et al. (2017) Dynamic landscape and regulation of RNA editing in mammals. Nature. 550: 249-254 |