Andrew Swan

"Andrew Swan"


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Mohammed Bourouh grad student
Nilanjana Das grad student
Rajdeep Dhaliwal grad student
Mohammad Ghorbani grad student
Zhihao Guo grad student
Biju Vasavan grad student
Rajni grad student 2021- University of Windsor, Canada
Osama Batiha grad student 2013 University of Windsor
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Bourouh M, Dhaliwal R, Rai R, et al. (2024) Analysis of non-degradable cyclins reveals distinct roles of the mitotic cyclins in Drosophila meiosis. G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Vasavan B, Das N, Kahnamouei P, et al. (2024) Skp2-Cyclin A Interaction Is Necessary for Mitotic Entry and Maintenance of Diploidy. Journal of Molecular Biology. 436: 168505
Garrido D, Bourouh M, Bonneil É, et al. (2020) Cyclin B3 activates the Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome in meiosis and mitosis. Plos Genetics. 16: e1009184
Mehsen H, Boudreau V, Garrido D, et al. (2018) PP2A-B55 promotes nuclear envelope reformation after mitosis in . The Journal of Cell Biology
Bourouh M, Dhaliwal R, Rana K, et al. (2016) Distinct and Overlapping Requirements for Cyclins A, B and B3 in Drosophila Female Meiosis. G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Guo Z, Batiha O, Bourouh M, et al. (2015) Role of Securin, Separase and Cohesins in female meiosis, and polar body formation in Drosophila. Journal of Cell Science
Batiha O, Swan A. (2012) Evidence that the spindle assembly checkpoint does not regulate APC(Fzy) activity in Drosophila female meiosis. Genome. 55: 63-7
Ghorbani M, Vasavan B, Kraja E, et al. (2011) Cks85A and Skp2 interact to maintain diploidy and promote growth in Drosophila. Developmental Biology. 358: 213-23
Swan A, Schüpbach T. (2007) The Cdc20 (Fzy)/Cdh1-related protein, Cort, cooperates with Fzy in cyclin destruction and anaphase progression in meiosis I and II in Drosophila. Development (Cambridge, England). 134: 891-9
Wehr K, Swan A, Schüpbach T. (2006) Deadlock, a novel protein of Drosophila, is required for germline maintenance, fusome morphogenesis and axial patterning in oogenesis and associates with centrosomes in the early embryo. Developmental Biology. 294: 406-17
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