Julia Dodd, PhD

2011-2016 Psychology East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, United States 
 2016- Psychology East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, United States 
"Julia Dodd"
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Littleton H, Wright L, Dodd JC, et al. (2022) Gynecological Health Complaints Among College Women With Sexual Victimization Histories: Examination of Depression and Anxiety as Potential Mediators. Women's Health Issues : Official Publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health
Hinkle M, Dodd J. (2021) A Systematic Review of Interventions Targeting Infertility-Related Distress: A Search for Active Ingredients. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 1-27
Kaniuka A, Pugh KC, Jordan M, et al. (2019) Stigma and suicide risk among the LGBTQ population: Are anxiety and depression to blame and can connectedness to the LGBTQ community help? Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health. 23: 205-220
Dodd J, Littleton H. (2017) Sexual Assault and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Lower-Income Rural Women: The Mediating Role of Self-Worth. Violence and Victims. 32: 110-125
Littleton H, Grills AE, Kline KD, et al. (2016) The From Survivor to Thriver program: RCT of an online therapist-facilitated program for rape-related PTSD. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 43: 41-51
Littleton HL, Dodd JC. (2016) Violent Attacks and Damaged Victims: An Exploration of the Rape Scripts of European American and African American U.S. College Women. Violence Against Women
Littleton HL, Grills-Taquechel AE, Buck KS, et al. (2013) Health Risk Behavior and Sexual Assault Among Ethnically Diverse Women. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 37: 7-21
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