Jair Mari

Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Escola Paulista de Medicina 
"Jair Mari"
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Moretti PN, Ota VK, Gouvea ES, et al. (2018) Accessing Gene Expression in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia. Molecular Neurobiology
Christofolini DM, Bellucco FT, Ota VK, et al. (2011) Assessment of 22q11.2 copy number variations in a sample of Brazilian schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Research. 132: 99-100
Turecki G, Rouleau GA, Joober R, et al. (1998) Reply to Bellivier et al. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 81: 351-352
Turecki G, Rouleau GA, Mari J, et al. (1997) Lack of association between bipolar disorder and tyrosine hydroxylase: a meta-analysis. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 74: 348-52
Turecki G, Rouleau GA, Joober R, et al. (1997) Schizophrenia and chromosome 6p. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 74: 195-8
Adams C, Anderson J, Awad G, et al. (1994) Schizophrenia and the Cochrane Collaboration Schizophrenia Research. 13: 185-187
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