Loyal Davis, MD

1932-1963 Neurosurgery Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
"Loyal Davis"
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Davis L, Martin J. (1939) Surgical Lesions Of The Paratrigeminal Area Jama. 113: 1952-1955
Davis L, Pollock LJ. (1936) The Rôle Of The Autonomic Nervous System In The Production Of Pain Jama. 106: 350-353
Pollock LJ, Davis L. (1935) Visceral And Referred Pain Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 34: 1041-1054
Davis L, Haven HA. (1933) Surgical Anatomy Of The Sensory Root Of The Trigeminal Nerve Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 29: 1-18
Pollock LJ, Davis L. (1932) Peripheral nerve injuries: Tenth installment American Journal of Surgery. 18: 151-205
Pollock LJ, Davis L. (1932) Peripheral nerve injuries: First installment American Journal of Surgery. 15: 177-217
Pollock LJ, Davis L. (1932) Peripheral nerve injuries: Twelfth (concluding) installment American Journal of Surgery. 18: 553-595
Pollock LJ, Davis L. (1932) Peripheral nerve injuries American Journal of Surgery. 16: 137-174
Pollock LJ, Davis L. (1932) Chapter XV Pathology of peripheral nerve lesions American Journal of Surgery. 16: 140-196
Pollock LJ, Davis L. (1932) Peripheral nerve injuries: Second installment American Journal of Surgery. 15: 389-433
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