Joseph Milbrandt

Neuroscience & Pharmacology Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, IL, United States 
"Joseph Milbrandt"
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Milbrandt JC, Holder TM, Wilson MC, et al. (2000) GAD levels and muscimol binding in rat inferior colliculus following acoustic trauma. Hearing Research. 147: 251-60
Caspary DM, Holder TM, Hughes LF, et al. (1999) Age-related changes in GABA(A) receptor subunit composition and function in rat auditory system. Neuroscience. 93: 307-12
Nakayama M, Caspary DM, Konrad HR, et al. (1999) Age-related changes in [3H]strychnine binding in the vestibular nuclei of rats. Hearing Research. 127: 103-7
Willott JF, Milbrandt JC, Bross LS, et al. (1997) Glycine immunoreactivity and receptor binding in the cochlear nucleus of C57BL/6J and CBA/CaJ mice: effects of cochlear impairment and aging. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 385: 405-14
Milbrandt JC, Hunter C, Caspary DM. (1997) Alterations of GABAA receptor subunit mRNA levels in the aging Fischer 344 rat inferior colliculus. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 379: 455-65
Milbrandt JC, Albin RL, Turgeon SM, et al. (1996) GABAA receptor binding in the aging rat inferior colliculus. Neuroscience. 73: 449-58
Milbrandt JC, Caspary DM. (1995) Age-related reduction of [3H]strychnine binding sites in the cochlear nucleus of the Fischer 344 rat. Neuroscience. 67: 713-9
Caspary DM, Milbrandt JC, Helfert RH. (1995) Central auditory aging: GABA changes in the inferior colliculus. Experimental Gerontology. 30: 349-60
Raza A, Milbrandt JC, Arneric SP, et al. (1994) Age-related changes in brainstem auditory neurotransmitters: measures of GABA and acetylcholine function. Hearing Research. 77: 221-30
Milbrandt JC, Albin RL, Caspary DM. (1994) Age-related decrease in GABAB receptor binding in the Fischer 344 rat inferior colliculus. Neurobiology of Aging. 15: 699-703
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