Dennis Maiman, MD

2009-2015 Neurosurgery Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States 
"Dennis Maiman"
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Maiman D, Pintar F, Malik W, et al. (2018) AIS scores in spine and spinal cord trauma: Epidemiological considerations. Traffic Injury Prevention. 19: S169-S173
Nguyen HS, Sharma A, Doan N, et al. (2016) Central cord syndrome in a patient with systemic sclerosis and cervical calcinosis: case report and review of literature. Spinal Cord Series and Cases. 2: 15029
Soliman HM, Nguyen HS, Banerjee A, et al. (2016) Changing threshold for AIS scores of thoracolumbar compression fractures. Traffic Injury Prevention. 17: 11-5
Nguyen HS, Lozen A, Doan N, et al. (2015) Marsupialization and distal obliteration of a lumbosacral dural ectasia in a nonsyndromic, adult patient. Journal of Craniovertebral Junction & Spine. 6: 219-22
Lifshutz J, Lidar Z, Maiman D. (2005) Thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm after spine trauma in ankylosing spondylitis. Case report. Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine. 2: 218-21
Becker V, Nardone E, Robbins S, et al. (2005) 5:20109. Comparison of autograft to DBX demineralized bone matrix putty combined with autograft used in posterolateral lumbar spinal fusion The Spine Journal. 5: S56-S57
Lifshutz J, Lidar Z, Maiman D. (2004) Evolution of the lateral extracavitary approach to the spine. Neurosurgical Focus. 16: E12
Reinartz J, Pintar F, Yoganandan N, et al. (1993) Caspar cervical screw pull-out strength Journal of Biomechanics. 26: 351
Yoganandan N, Pintar F, Maiman D, et al. (1992) Biomechanics of human thoracic spine laminectomy Journal of Biomechanics. 25: 687
Yoganandan NY, Chintapalli KC, Unger GF, et al. (1990) Cervical spine injuries from motor vehicle accidents Journal of Clinical Engineering. 15: 505-513
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