Karl J. Holzinger

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
"Karl Holzinger"
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Holzinger KJ. (1949) Applications of the simple method of factor analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology. 40: 129-142
HOLZINGER KJ. (1947) Factoring factors. Journal of Educational Psychology. 38: 321-8
HOLZINGER KJ. (1946) A comparison of the principal-axis and centroid factors. Journal of Educational Psychology. 37: 449-72
Holzinger KJ. (1945) Interpretation of second-order factors Psychometrika. 10: 21-25
Holzinger KJ. (1944) A simple method of factor analysis Psychometrika. 9: 257-262
Holzinger KJ. (1944) Factoring test scores and implications for the method of averages Psychometrika. 9: 155-167
Holzinger KJ. (1942) Why do people factor Psychometrika. 7: 147-156
Holzinger KJ. (1940) A synthetic approach to factor analysis Psychometrika. 5: 235-250
Holzinger KJ, Harman HH. (1939) Chapter XIII: Factor Analysis Review of Educational Research. 9: 528-531
Holzinger KJ. (1939) "Relationships between three multiple orthogonal factors and four bifactors": Correction. Journal of Educational Psychology. 30: 80-80
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