Hannah Tarder-Stoll

2018- Psychology Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Hannah Tarder-Stoll"
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Tarder-Stoll H, Baldassano C, Aly M. (2023) The brain hierarchically represents the past and future during multistep anticipation. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Lalla A, Tarder-Stoll H, Hasher L, et al. (2022) Aging shifts the relative contributions of episodic and semantic memory to decision-making. Psychology and Aging
Tarder-Stoll H, Gasser C, Yu W, et al. (2021) Challenges in Understanding the Role of Reactivation in Modifying Hippocampal Representations. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 41: 4750-4753
Tarder-Stoll H, Jayakumar M, Dimsdale-Zucker HR, et al. (2019) Dynamic internal states shape memory retrieval. Neuropsychologia. 107328
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