Daniel M Jeck

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
Visual system, attention, neural networks
"Daniel Jeck"
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Jeck DM, Qin M, Egeth H, et al. (2019) Unique objects attract attention even when faint. Vision Research
Jeck DM, Qin M, Egeth H, et al. (2017) Attentive Pointing in Natural Scenes Correlates with Other Measures of Attention. Vision Research
Jeck D, Niebur E. (2015) Closed form jitter methods for neuronal spike train analysis 2015 49th Annual Conference On Information Sciences and Systems, Ciss 2015
Jeck D, Niebur E. (2015) Neuronal common input strength is unidentifiable from average firing rates and synchrony 2015 49th Annual Conference On Information Sciences and Systems, Ciss 2015
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