Luke E. Ulrich

2001-2006 School of Biology Georgia Institute of Technology,, Atlanta, GA, United States 
"Luke Ulrich"


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Igor B. Zhulin grad student 2001-2006 Georgia Tech
 (Comparative genomics of microbial signal transduction.)
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Gumerov VM, Ulrich LE, Zhulin IB. (2023) MiST 4.0: a new release of the microbial signal transduction database, now with a metagenomic component. Nucleic Acids Research
Gumerov VM, Ortega DR, Adebali O, et al. (2019) MiST 3.0: an updated microbial signal transduction database with an emphasis on chemosensory systems. Nucleic Acids Research
Ulrich LE, Zhulin IB. (2014) SeqDepot: streamlined database of biological sequences and precomputed features. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 30: 295-7
van Kessel JC, Ulrich LE, Zhulin IB, et al. (2013) Analysis of activator and repressor functions reveals the requirements for transcriptional control by LuxR, the master regulator of quorum sensing in Vibrio harveyi. Mbio. 4
Xie Z, Ulrich LE, Zhulin IB, et al. (2010) PAS domain containing chemoreceptor couples dynamic changes in metabolism with chemotaxis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 2235-40
Ulrich LE, Zhulin IB. (2010) The MiST2 database: a comprehensive genomics resource on microbial signal transduction. Nucleic Acids Research. 38: D401-7
Staroń A, Sofia HJ, Dietrich S, et al. (2009) The third pillar of bacterial signal transduction: classification of the extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factor protein family. Molecular Microbiology. 74: 557-81
Anderson I, Ulrich LE, Lupa B, et al. (2009) Genomic characterization of methanomicrobiales reveals three classes of methanogens. Plos One. 4: e5797
Anderson IJ, Dharmarajan L, Rodriguez J, et al. (2009) The complete genome sequence of Staphylothermus marinus reveals differences in sulfur metabolism among heterotrophic Crenarchaeota. Bmc Genomics. 10: 145
Anderson I, Rodriguez J, Susanti D, et al. (2008) Genome sequence of Thermofilum pendens reveals an exceptional loss of biosynthetic pathways without genome reduction. Journal of Bacteriology. 190: 2957-65
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