Thomas Greenway Stockham, Jr.

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
"Thomas Greenway Stockham, Jr."
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Ernst Adolph Guillemin grad student 1959 MIT (E-Tree)
 (A study of a class of nonlinear systems)


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Henri Gouraud grad student 1971 University of Utah (Computer Science Tree)
T Allan Pryor grad student 1972 University of Utah (Computer Science Tree)
Olivier Faugeras grad student 1976 University of Utah
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Moten K, Durney CH, Stockham TG. (1991) Electromagnetic pulsed-wave radiation in spherical models of dispersive biological substances. Bioelectromagnetics. 12: 319-33
Moten K, Durney CH, Stockham TG. (1989) Electromagnetic pulse propagation in dispersive planar dielectrics. Bioelectromagnetics. 10: 35-49
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