Kristen McKiernan

Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States 
"Kristen McKiernan"
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McKiernan KA, D'Angelo BR, Kaufman JN, et al. (2006) Interrupting the "stream of consciousness": an fMRI investigation. Neuroimage. 29: 1185-91
Binder JR, Westbury CF, McKiernan KA, et al. (2005) Distinct brain systems for processing concrete and abstract concepts. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 17: 905-17
McKiernan KA, Kaufman JN, Kucera-Thompson J, et al. (2003) A parametric manipulation of factors affecting task-induced deactivation in functional neuroimaging. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 15: 394-408
Binder JR, McKiernan KA, Parsons ME, et al. (2003) Neural correlates of lexical access during visual word recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 15: 372-93
Szaflarski JP, Binder JR, Possing ET, et al. (2002) Language lateralization in left-handed and ambidextrous people: fMRI data. Neurology. 59: 238-44
Binder J, McKiernan K, Chen A, et al. (2001) Analysis of inter-regional connectivity in FMRI data using an autoassociative neural net Neuroimage. 13: 1297
Binder J, McKiernan K, Parsons M, et al. (2001) The neural correlates of semantic processing: An event-related FMRI study Neuroimage. 13: 507
McKiernan K, Conant L, Chen A, et al. (2001) Development and cross-validation of a model of linguistic processing using neural network and path analyses with FMRI data Neuroimage. 13: 200
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