Samuel James West, Ph.D.

2021- Surgery Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, United States 
 2022- Psychology Virginia State University 
Aggression and Violence, Social Cognition and Neuroscience, Psychometrics, Network Analysis
Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Cross-listing: UNCW Tree


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Richard S. Pond, Jr. grad student 2015-2017 UNC Wilmington
 (Master's in Psychology)
David S. Chester grad student 2017-2021 VCU
 (PhD in Social Psychology)
Nicholas Thomson grad student 2021-2022 VCU School of Medicine
 (Post-doctoral scholar)
BETA: Related publications


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West SJ, Thomson ND. (2024) Clarifying the relationship between trait aggression and self-control using random item slope regression. Journal of Personality
Rahrig H, Ma L, Brown KW, et al. (2023) Inside the mindful moment: The effects of brief mindfulness practice on large-scale network organization and intimate partner aggression. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience
West SJ, Wood AM, Aboutanos MB, et al. (2023) Exploring changes in violence across two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Richmond, VA. Aggressive Behavior
Hyatt CS, Lynam DR, West SJ, et al. (2023) Development of a measure of aggressive behavior expectancies in adults: The Aggression Expectancy Questionnaire. Aggressive Behavior
West SJ, Psederska E, Bozgunov K, et al. (2023) Identifying distinct profiles of impulsivity for the four facets of psychopathy. Plos One. 18: e0283866
West SJ, Bishop D, Chapman DA, et al. (2022) Comparing forms of neighborhood instability as predictors of violence in Richmond, VA. Plos One. 17: e0273718
Lasko EN, Dagher AC, West SJ, et al. (2022) Neural mechanisms of intergroup exclusion and retaliatory aggression. Social Neuroscience. 1-13
West SJ, Psederska E, Vasilev G, et al. (2022) Comparing psychopathy across measurement modalities. Personality Disorders
West SJ, Chester DS. (2021) The Tangled Webs We Wreak: Examining the Structure of Aggressive Personality Using Psychometric Networks. Journal of Personality
Hyatt CS, Crowe ML, West SJ, et al. (2021) An empirically based power primer for laboratory aggression research. Aggressive Behavior
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