András Aszódi
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"András Aszódi"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorPéter Friedrich | grad student | 1989-1991 | |
William R. Taylor | post-doc | 1992-1996 | National Institute of Medical Research, London, UK |
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Hekimoglu-Balkan B, Aszodi A, Heinen R, et al. (2012) Intergenic Polycomb target sites are dynamically marked by non-coding transcription during lineage commitment. Rna Biology. 9: 314-25 |
Pauler FM, Sloane MA, Huang R, et al. (2009) H3K27me3 forms BLOCs over silent genes and intergenic regions and specifies a histone banding pattern on a mouse autosomal chromosome. Genome Research. 19: 221-33 |
Hofbauer C, Lohninger H, Aszódi A. (2004) SURFCOMP: a novel graph-based approach to molecular surface comparison. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences. 44: 837-47 |
Aszódi A, Taylor WR. (1997) Hierarchic inertial projection: A fast distance matrix embedding algorithm Computational Biology and Chemistry. 21: 13-23 |
Aszódi A, Taylor WR. (1995) Estimating polypeptide α-carbon distances from multiple sequence alignments Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 17: 167-184 |