Elise Piazza

2020- University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
communication, auditory perception, language, development
"Elise Piazza"
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Dominic W. Massaro research assistant
Charles Spence research assistant
Safa Zaki research assistant
Martin Banks grad student
Michael A. Silver grad student
Uri Hasson post-doc
Casey Lew-Williams post-doc


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Ruby Zeng grad student 2020- Rochester


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Rachel N. Denison collaborator
Jessica Hartcher-O'Brien collaborator
Marius Cătălin Iordan collaborator
Jordi Navarra collaborator
Timothy D. Sweeny collaborator
Frederic Theunissen collaborator
David Wessel collaborator
David Whitney collaborator
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Piazza EA, Nencheva ML, Lew-Williams C. (2021) THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION ACROSS TIMESCALES. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 30: 459-467
Piazza EA, Cohen A, Trach J, et al. (2021) Neural synchrony predicts children's learning of novel words. Cognition. 214: 104752
Nencheva ML, Piazza EA, Lew-Williams C. (2020) The moment-to-moment pitch dynamics of child-directed speech shape toddlers' attention and learning. Developmental Science. e12997
Piazza EA, Theunissen FE, Wessel D, et al. (2020) Publisher Correction: Rapid Adaptation to the Timbre of Natural Sounds. Scientific Reports. 10: 3561
Piazza EA, Hasenfratz L, Hasson U, et al. (2019) Infant and Adult Brains Are Coupled to the Dynamics of Natural Communication. Psychological Science. 956797619878698
Nencheva ML, Piazza EA, Lew-Williams C. (2019) The real-time dynamics of child-directed speech: Using pupillometry to evaluate children’s processing of natural pitch contours The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 145: 1765-1765
Piazza EA, Lordan MC, Hasenfratz L, et al. (2019) Using naturalistic paradigms to study how adult speakers accommodate infant listeners’ unique processing demands The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 145: 1730-1730
Piazza EA, Theunissen FE, Wessel D, et al. (2018) Rapid Adaptation to the Timbre of Natural Sounds. Scientific Reports. 8: 13826
Piazza EA, Denison RN, Silver MA. (2018) Recent cross-modal statistical learning influences visual perceptual selection. Journal of Vision. 18: 1
Piazza EA, Iordan MC, Lew-Williams C. (2017) Mothers Consistently Alter Their Unique Vocal Fingerprints When Communicating with Infants. Current Biology : Cb
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