Anne Marie Wills

2005-2006 Neurology Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States 
"Anne Wills"
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Huh YE, Ruby Chiang MS, Locascio JJ, et al. (2020) β-Glucocerebrosidase Activity in -linked Parkinson's Disease: The Type of Mutation Matters. Neurology
Bakshi R, Macklin EA, Hung AY, et al. (2020) Associations of Lower Caffeine Intake and Plasma Urate Levels with Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease in the Harvard Biomarkers Study. Journal of Parkinson's Disease. 10: 505-510
Rotunno MS, Lane M, Zhang W, et al. (2020) Cerebrospinal fluid proteomics implicates the granin family in Parkinson's disease. Scientific Reports. 10: 2479
Peterschmitt MJ, Saiki H, Hatano T, et al. (2020) Safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of oral venglustat in Parkinson disease patients with a GBA mutation from Japan and the rest of the world: Results from part 1 of the MOVES-PD study Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 129: S128
Alcalay RN, Kehoe C, Shorr E, et al. (2019) Genetic testing for Parkinson disease: current practice, knowledge, and attitudes among US and Canadian movement disorders specialists. Genetics in Medicine : Official Journal of the American College of Medical Genetics
Mezoian T, Belt E, Garry J, et al. (2019) Loss of Appetite in ALS is Associated with Weight Loss and Decreased Calorie Consumption Independent of Dysphagia. Muscle & Nerve
Wills AM, Garry J, Hubbard J, et al. (2019) Nutritional counseling with or without mobile health technology: a randomized open-label standard-of-care-controlled trial in ALS. Bmc Neurology. 19: 104
Judith Peterschmitt M, Gasser T, Isaacson S, et al. (2019) Safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of oral venglustat in Parkinson disease patients with a GBA mutation Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 126: S117
Nicholson K, Chan J, Macklin EA, et al. (2018) Pilot trial of inosine to elevate urate levels in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 5: 1522-1533
Wills AM, Li R, Pérez A, et al. (2017) Predictors of weight loss in early treated Parkinson's disease from the NET-PD LS-1 cohort. Journal of Neurology
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