Edward J. Golob
Affiliations: | Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, United States |
"Edward Golob"Mean distance: 14.54 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeMichael James Seay | research assistant | 2010- | Tulane |
Ilana Jacqueline Bennett | research assistant | 2002-2004 | UC Irvine |
Michael D Nunez | research assistant | 2011-2012 | Tulane |
Kate Autin Yurgil | grad student | 2010 | Tulane University School of Science and Engineering |
Christopher Ramsay Holdgraf | grad student | 2008-2010 | Tulane |
Laura K. Manning | grad student | 2011 | Tulane University School of Science and Engineering |
Lauren M. Stowe | grad student | 2011 | Tulane University School of Science and Engineering |
Debra S. Karhson | grad student | 2014 | Tulane University School of Science and Engineering |
Lisa K Chinn | grad student | 2013-2019 | Tulane |
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Myers JC, Chinn LK, Sur S, et al. (2021) Widespread Theta Coherence during Spatial Cognitive Control. Neuropsychologia. 107979 |
Sur S, Golob EJ. (2019) Neural correlates of auditory sensory memory dynamics in the aging brain. Neurobiology of Aging |
Golob EJ, Mock JR. (2019) Dynamics of auditory spatial attention gradients. Cognition. 194: 104058 |
Golob EJ, Mock JR. (2018) Auditory spatial attention capture, disengagement, and response selection in normal aging. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |
Chinn LK, Pauker CS, Golob EJ. (2018) Cognitive control and midline theta adjust across multiple timescales. Neuropsychologia |
Golob EJ, Lewald J, Getzmann S, et al. (2017) Numerical value biases sound localization Scientific Reports. 7: 17252 |
Golob EJ, Winston J, Mock JR. (2017) Impact of Spatial and Verbal Short-Term Memory Load on Auditory Spatial Attention Gradients. Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 2028 |
Mock JR, Foundas AL, Golob EJ. (2016) Cortical activity during cued picture naming predicts individual differences in stuttering frequency. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 127: 3093-3101 |
Getzmann S, Golob EJ, Wascher E. (2016) Focused and divided attention in a simulated cocktail-party situation: ERP evidence from younger and older adults. Neurobiology of Aging. 41: 138-49 |
Karhson DS, Golob EJ. (2016) Atypical sensory reactivity influences auditory attentional control in adults with autism spectrum disorders. Autism Research : Official Journal of the International Society For Autism Research |