Patricia Chiang
Affiliations: | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore |
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Chiang P, Zheng J, Yu Y, et al. (2013) A VR simulator for intracardiac intervention. Ieee Computer Graphics and Applications. 33: 44-57 |
Chiang P, Cai Y, Mak KH, et al. (2013) A B-spline approach to phase unwrapping in tagged cardiac MRI for motion tracking. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 69: 1297-309 |
Chiang P, Zheng J, Mak KH, et al. (2012) Progressive surface reconstruction for heart mapping procedure Computer-Aided Design. 44: 289-299 |
Chiang P, Cai Y, Mak KH, et al. (2011) A geometric approach to the modeling of the catheter–heart interaction for VR simulation of intra-cardiac intervention Computers & Graphics. 35: 1013-1022 |
Yu R, Zhang Y, Zhang S, et al. (2010) GPU Accelerated Simulation of Cardiac Activities Journal of Computers. 5 |
Yu R, Chiang P, Chen W, et al. (2009) A Framework for GPU-accelerated Virtual Cardiac Intervention International Journal of Virtual Reality. 8: 37-41 |