Sergio R. Ojeda

Oregon National Primate Center, Beaverton, OR, United States 
 Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR 
"Sergio Ojeda"
Mean distance: 15.73 (cluster 7)
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Pellegrino G, Martin M, Allet C, et al. (2021) GnRH neurons recruit astrocytes in infancy to facilitate network integration and sexual maturation. Nature Neuroscience
Abreu AP, Toro CA, Song YB, et al. (2020) MKRN3 inhibits the reproductive axis through actions in kisspeptin-expressing neurons. The Journal of Clinical Investigation
Mancini A, Howard SR, Cabrera CP, et al. (2019) EAP1 regulation of GnRH promoter activity is important for human pubertal timing. Human Molecular Genetics
Bessa DS, Maschietto M, Aylwin CF, et al. (2018) Methylome profiling of healthy and central precocious puberty girls. Clinical Epigenetics. 10: 146
Vazquez MJ, Toro CA, Castellano JM, et al. (2018) SIRT1 mediates obesity- and nutrient-dependent perturbation of pubertal timing by epigenetically controlling Kiss1 expression. Nature Communications. 9: 4194
Matagne V, Wondolowski J, Frerking M, et al. (2018) Correcting deregulated Fxyd1 expression rescues deficits in neuronal arborization and potassium homeostasis in MeCP2 deficient male mice. Brain Research
Horikoshi M, Day FR, Akiyama M, et al. (2018) Elucidating the genetic architecture of reproductive ageing in the Japanese population. Nature Communications. 9: 1977
Toro CA, Wright H, Aylwin CF, et al. (2018) Trithorax dependent changes in chromatin landscape at enhancer and promoter regions drive female puberty. Nature Communications. 9: 57
Dissen GA, Adachi K, Lomniczi A, et al. (2016) Engineering a gene silencing viral construct that targets the cat hypothalamus to induce permanent sterility: An update. Reproduction in Domestic Animals = Zuchthygiene
Lomniczi A, Ojeda SR. (2016) The Emerging Role of Epigenetics in the Regulation of Female Puberty. Endocrine Development. 29: 1-16
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