Deyang Chen

South China Normal University 
Complex oxides, ferroelectric, multiferroic
"Deyang Chen"
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Yang W, Liu J, Yu X, et al. (2022) The Preparation of High Saturation Magnetization and Low Coercivity Feco Soft Magnetic Thin Films via Controlling the Thickness and Deposition Temperature. Materials (Basel, Switzerland). 15
Zou Z, Tian G, Wang D, et al. (2021) Enhancement of ferroelectricity and homogeneity of orthorhombic phase in Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 thin films. Nanotechnology
Zhang Y, Fan Z, Wang D, et al. (2020) Enhanced ferroelectric properties and insulator-metal transition-induced shift of polarization-voltage hysteresis loop in VO-capped HfZrO thin films. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
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Zhang F, Edwards D, Deng X, et al. (2020) Investigation of AFM-based machining of ferroelectric thin films at the nanoscale Journal of Applied Physics. 127: 034103
Yang L, Wang C, Zeng M, et al. (2020) Polarization tunability in multiferroic DyMn2O5: Influence of Y and Eu co-doping and 3d-4f exchange Solid State Communications. 307: 113809
Guo Z, Luo Q, Huang H, et al. (2020) Low-energy complementary ferroelectric-nanocrack logic Nano Energy. 75: 104871
Sun F, Chen D, Gao X, et al. (2020) Emergent strain engineering of multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films Journal of Materiomics
Tang C, Sun F, Chen Z, et al. (2020) Facile synthesis and nanoscale related physical properties of core-shell structured CuO/ZnO nanorods on Si substrate Applied Surface Science. 509: 144903
Wang C, Chang CH, Herklotz A, et al. (2020) Topological Hall Effect in Single Thick SrRuO3 Layers Induced by Defect Engineering Advanced Electronic Materials. 6: 2000184
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