Kirsten L. Challinor
Affiliations: | Aston University, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom |
"Kirsten Challinor"Mean distance: 16.6 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorDarren Burke | grad student | Newcastle | |
Peter Wenderoth | grad student | Aston University | |
George Mather | post-doc | 2007- | Sussex |
Tim S. Meese | post-doc | 2006-2008 | Aston University |
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Brooks KR, Mond J, Mitchison D, et al. (2019) Looking at the Figures: Visual Adaptation as a Mechanism for Body-Size and -Shape Misperception. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 1745691619869331 |
Challinor KL, Mond J, Stephen ID, et al. (2017) Body size and shape misperception and visual adaptation: An overview of an emerging research paradigm. The Journal of International Medical Research. 300060517726440 |
Khuu SK, Honson VJ, Challinor KL. (2016) The Influence of Cast Shadows on the Detection of Three-Dimensional Curved Contour Structure. Perception. 45: 425-42 |
Brooks KR, Morris T, Challinor KL, et al. (2013) Can MT models of speed perception account for the effects of stimulus complexity, contrast and spatial frequency on perceived speed? Clinical Eeg and Neuroscience. 44 |
Brooks KR, Challinor KL. (2012) A Map of Perceived Speed at Low- and High-Contrast Across the Spatiotemporal Frequency Surface I-Perception. 3: 248-248 |
Mather G, Challinor K. (2011) Psychophysical Evidence for Spatiotemporal Tuning in Human Motion Sensing Receptive Fields I-Perception. 2: 412-412 |
Challinor KL, Mather G. (2010) A motion-energy model predicts the direction discrimination and MAE duration of two-stroke apparent motion at high and low retinal illuminance. Vision Research. 50: 1109-16 |
Meese TS, Challinor KL, Summers RJ, et al. (2009) Suppression pathways saturate with contrast for parallel surrounds but not for superimposed cross-oriented masks. Vision Research. 49: 2927-35 |
Mather G, Challinor KL. (2009) Psychophysical properties of two-stroke apparent motion. Journal of Vision. 9: 28.1-6 |
Challinor KL, Mather G. (2009) Biphasic temporal response of low-level motion detectors in human vision revealed by a direction discrimination task Perception. 38: 8-8 |