Chloé Lahondère

2010-2013 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States 
"Chloé Lahondère"
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Lou L, Tu ZJ, Lahondère C, et al. (2024) Rhythms in insect olfactory systems: underlying mechanisms and outstanding questions. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 227
Reinhold JM, Lahondère C. (2024) Mosquitoes feeding on ectothermic hosts: from host seeking to pathogen transmission. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 66: 101273
Wynne NE, Applebach E, Chandrasegaran K, et al. (2024) Aedes albopictus colonies from different geographic origins differ in their sleep and activity levels but not in the time of peak activity. Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Wynne NE, Applebach E, Chandrasegaran K, et al. (2024) colonies from different geographic origins differ in their sleep and activity levels but not in the time of peak activity. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Upshur IF, Fehlman M, Parikh V, et al. (2023) Sugar feeding by invasive mosquito species on ornamental and wild plants. Scientific Reports. 13: 22121
Reinhold JM, Halbert E, Roark M, et al. (2023) The role of Culex territans mosquitoes in the transmission of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis to amphibian hosts. Parasites & Vectors. 16: 424
Lahondère C. (2023) Recent advances in insect thermoregulation. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 226
Lahondère C, Vinauger C, Liaw JE, et al. (2023) Effect of Temperature on Mosquito Olfaction. Integrative and Comparative Biology
VanderGiessen M, Tallon AK, Damico B, et al. (2023) Soap application alters mosquito-host interactions. Iscience. 26: 106667
Lahondère C, Vinauger C, Liaw JE, et al. (2023) Effect of temperature on mosquito olfaction. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
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