Sylvain Laborde
Affiliations: | German Sport University Cologne |
psychophysiology; sport psychologyGoogle:
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Laborde S, Gerlach S, Vaughan R. (2020) Hitchhiking: Associations With Big Five and Emotional Competences. Psychological Reports. 33294120953556 |
You M, Laborde S, Dosseville F, et al. (2020) Associations of chronotype, Big Five, and emotional competences with perceived stress in university students. Chronobiology International. 1-9 |
Schütz K, Rahders F, Mosley E, et al. (2020) Emotional competences training in equestrian sport: a preliminary study International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology |
Allen MS, Robson DA, Martin LJ, et al. (2019) Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Self-Serving Attribution Biases in the Competitive Context of Organized Sport. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167219893995 |
Frenkel MO, Laborde S, Rummel J, et al. (2019) : A Paradigm to Investigate the Risk Sport-Specific Psycho-Physiological Arousal. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 2249 |
Campo M, Laborde S, Martinent G, et al. (2019) Emotional Intelligence (EI) Training Adapted to the International Preparation Constraints in Rugby: Influence of EI Trainer Status on EI Training Effectiveness. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 1939 |
Laborde S, Lentes T, Hosang TJ, et al. (2019) Influence of Slow-Paced Breathing on Inhibition After Physical Exertion. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 1923 |
Laborde S, Allen MS, Katschak K, et al. (2019) Trait personality in sport and exercise psychology: A mapping review and research agenda International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 1-16 |
Mosley E, Laborde S, Kavanagh E. (2019) The Contribution of Coping-Related Variables and Cardiac Vagal Activity on Prone Rifle Shooting Performance Under Pressure Journal of Psychophysiology. 33: 171-187 |
Laborde S, Mosley E, Mertgen A. (2018) A unifying conceptual framework of factors associated to cardiac vagal control. Heliyon. 4: e01002 |