Maxime BONNET, PhD

2015- Institut des Sciences du Mouvement : Etienne-Jules MAREY Aix-Marseille Université & CNRS 
Spinal cord injury, peripheral nerve injury, biomaterial, plasticity
"Maxime BONNET"
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Patrick DECHERCHI grad student 2015-
Tanguy MARQUESTE grad student 2015-2020
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Ertlen C, Seblani M, Bonnet M, et al. (2024) Efficacy of the immediate adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction autograft on functional sensorimotor recovery after spinal cord contusion in rats. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 15: 29
Bonnet M, Ertlen C, Seblani M, et al. (2024) Activated Human Adipose Tissue Transplantation Promotes Sensorimotor Recovery after Acute Spinal Cord Contusion in Rats. Cells. 13
Jaloux C, Bonnet M, Vogtensperger M, et al. (2022) Human nasal olfactory stem cells, purified as advanced therapy medicinal products, improve neuronal differentiation. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16: 1042276
Bonnet M, Alluin O, Trimaille T, et al. (2020) Delayed Injection of a Physically Cross-Linked PNIPAAm--PEG Hydrogel in Rat Contused Spinal Cord Improves Functional Recovery. Acs Omega. 5: 10247-10259
Bonnet M, Guiraudie-Capraz G, Marqueste T, et al. (2020) Immediate or Delayed Transplantation of a Vein Conduit Filled with Nasal Olfactory Stem Cells Improves Locomotion and Axogenesis in Rats after a Peroneal Nerve Loss of Substance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21
Bonnet M, Trimaille T, Brezun JM, et al. (2020) Motor and sensitive recovery after injection of a physically cross-linked PNIPAAm-g-PEG hydrogel in rat hemisectioned spinal cord. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Materials For Biological Applications. 107: 110354
Mercier FJ, Bonnet MP, De la Dorie A, et al. (2007) [Spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section: fluid loading, vasopressors and hypotension]. Annales Francaises D'Anesthesie Et De Reanimation. 26: 688-93
Bonnet M, Requin J. (1982) Long loop and spinal reflexes in man during preparation for intended directional hand movements. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 2: 90-6
Coquery JM, Bonnet M. (1968) [Effects of the preparatory attitude on the variation of spinal excitability induced by a sound signal]. Journal De Physiologie. 60: 421-2
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