Theodros M Haile

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
Learning, vision
"Theodros Haile"
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Erik Blaser research assistant 2014-2016 U Mass Boston
Bevil R. Conway research assistant 2016-2018 NIH
Chantel S. Prat grad student 2018- University of Washington
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Haile TM, Prat CS, Stocco A. (2024) One Size Does Not Fit All: Idiographic Computational Models Reveal Individual Differences in Learning and Meta-Learning Strategies. Topics in Cognitive Science
Haile TM, Bohon KS, Romero MC, et al. (2018) Visual stimulus-driven functional organization of macaque prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage. 188: 427-444
Rosenthal I, Ratnasingam S, Haile T, et al. (2018) Color statistics of objects, and color tuning of object cortex in macaque monkey. Journal of Vision. 18: 1
Haile T, Ramamurthy M, Blaser E. (2016) Examining attention allocation during a proceduralized visual task Journal of Vision. 16: 903
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