Avigael Aizenman
Affiliations: | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States | ||
2011-2013 | Psychology | Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United States |
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Sign in to add mentorRobert Sekuler | research assistant | 2011-2013 | |
Jeremy M. Wolfe | research assistant | 2013-2016 | |
Dennis Levi | grad student | UC Berkeley |
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Wolfe JM, Cain MS, Aizenman AM. (2019) Guidance and selection history in hybrid foraging visual search. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |
Aizenman A, Levi D, Verghese P, et al. (2018) Optimal integration of retinal and extra-retinal information is contingent upon trans-saccadic discontinuity Journal of Vision. 18: 1292 |
Aizenman A, Drew T, Ehinger KA, et al. (2017) Comparing search patterns in digital breast tomosynthesis and full-field digital mammography: an eye tracking study. Journal of Medical Imaging (Bellingham, Wash.). 4: 045501 |
Kok EM, Aizenman AM, Võ ML, et al. (2017) Even if I showed you where you looked, remembering where you just looked is hard. Journal of Vision. 17: 2 |
Aizenman AM, Gold JM, Sekuler R. (2017) Multisensory integration in short-term memory: Musicians do rock. Neuroscience |
Aizenman A, Kok E, Vo M, et al. (2017) If I showed you where you looked, you still wouldn't remember Journal of Vision. 17: 218 |
Võ ML, Aizenman AM, Wolfe JM. (2016) You think you know where you looked? You better look again. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 42: 1477-81 |
Drew T, Aizenman AM, Thompson MB, et al. (2016) Image toggling saves time in mammography. Journal of Medical Imaging (Bellingham, Wash.). 3: 011003 |
Wen G, Aizenman A, Drew T, et al. (2016) Computational assessment of visual search strategies in volumetric medical images. Journal of Medical Imaging (Bellingham, Wash.). 3: 015501 |
Wolfe J, Aizenman A, Park J, et al. (2016) How did you hide my bunny? Using a genetic algorithm to investigate preattentive processing of shape in visual search. Journal of Vision. 16: 752 |