Annabel Ferreira

Physiology  Universidad de la República (Uruguay) 
"Annabel Ferreira"
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Zuluaga MJ, Agrati D, Athaíde V, et al. (2023) Fear response of rat pups to a non-aversive social stimulus: Evidence for the involvement of memory processes. Developmental Psychobiology. 65: e22417
Rivas M, Ferreira A, Torterolo P, et al. (2023) Hypocretins, sleep, and maternal behavior. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 17: 1184885
Benedetto L, Rivas M, Peña F, et al. (2021) Local administration of bicuculline into the ventrolateral and medial preoptic nuclei modifies sleep and maternal behavior in lactating rats. Physiology & Behavior. 113491
Peña F, Rivas M, Gonzalez J, et al. (2020) Sleep and maternal behavior in the postpartum rat after haloperidol and midazolam treatments Sleep Science
Delgado H, Agrati D, Machado L, et al. (2019) Cocaine treatment before pregnancy differentially affects the anxiety and brain glucose metabolism of lactating rats if performed during adulthood or adolescence. Behavioural Brain Research. 112070
Agrati D, Machado L, Delgado H, et al. (2018) Sexual behaviour of the female rat during late adolescence: effect of chronic cocaine treatment. Behavioural Pharmacology
Ferreño M, Pose S, Agrati D, et al. (2018) Incentive value of newborn pups relative to juveniles for mother rats raising overlapping litters. Behavioural Processes
Ferreño M, Uriarte N, Zuluaga MJ, et al. (2018) Dopaminergic activity mediates pups' over male preference of postpartum estrous rats. Physiology & Behavior
Agrati D, Ferreño M, Marin G, et al. (2016) Previous and recent maternal experiences modulate pups' incentive value relative to a male without affecting maternal behavior in postpartum estrous rats. Journal of Physiology, Paris
Rivas M, Torterolo P, Ferreira A, et al. (2016) Hypocretinergic system in the medial preoptic area promotes maternal behavior in lactating rats. Peptides. 81: 9-14
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