Valerio Zerbi
Affiliations: | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zürich, ZH, Switzerland |
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Grimm C, Duss SN, Privitera M, et al. (2024) Tonic and burst-like locus coeruleus stimulation distinctly shift network activity across the cortical hierarchy. Nature Neuroscience |
Markicevic M, Sturman O, Bohacek J, et al. (2023) Neuromodulation of striatal D1 cells shapes BOLD fluctuations in anatomically connected thalamic and cortical regions. Elife. 12 |
Gozzi A, Zerbi V. (2022) Modeling Brain Dysconnectivity in Rodents. Biological Psychiatry |
Grimm C, Wenderoth N, Zerbi V. (2022) An optimized protocol for assessing changes in mouse whole-brain activity using opto-fMRI. Star Protocols. 3: 101761 |
Siu PH, Müller E, Zerbi V, et al. (2022) Extracting Dynamical Understanding From Neural-Mass Models of Mouse Cortex. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 16: 847336 |
Grimm C, Frässle S, Steger C, et al. (2021) Optogenetic activation of striatal D1R and D2R cells differentially engages downstream connected areas beyond the basal ganglia. Cell Reports. 37: 110161 |
Markicevic M, Savvateev I, Grimm C, et al. (2021) Emerging imaging methods to study whole-brain function in rodent models. Translational Psychiatry. 11: 457 |
Friedrich P, Forkel SJ, Amiez C, et al. (2020) Imaging evolution of the primate brain: the next frontier? Neuroimage. 117685 |
Grimm C, Balsters JH, Zerbi V. (2020) Shedding Light on Social Reward Circuitry: (Un)common Blueprints in Humans and Rodents. The Neuroscientist : a Review Journal Bringing Neurobiology, Neurology and Psychiatry. 1073858420923552 |
Markicevic M, Fulcher BD, Lewis C, et al. (2020) Cortical Excitation:Inhibition Imbalance Causes Abnormal Brain Network Dynamics as Observed in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) |