James Anthony Schirillo
Affiliations: | Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, United States |
Vision, Audition, Multisensory PerceptionGoogle:
"James Schirillo"Mean distance: 16.23 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeW David D. Hairston | grad student | 1999-2001 | Wake Forest |
Paul Eugene Moon | grad student | 2011-2013 | Wake Forest |
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Collins L, Schirillo J. (2013) Attention to endogenous and exogenous cues affects auditory localization Experimental Brain Research. 231: 13-18 |
Schirillo JA. (2013) We infer light in space. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 20: 905-15 |
Li W, Meekins K, Schirillo J. (2012) Magno and parvo stimuli affect illusory directional hearing in normal and dyslexic readers Neuropsychologia. 50: 2068-2074 |
Bowen AL, Ramachandran R, Muday JA, et al. (2011) Visual signals bias auditory targets in azimuth and depth. Experimental Brain Research. 214: 403-14 |
van den Berg M, Kubovy M, Schirillo JA. (2011) Grouping by Regularity and the perception of illumination. Vision Research. 51: 1360-71 |
Schirillo JA. (2011) Cross-modal detection using various temporal and spatial configurations. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 73: 237-46 |
Schirillo JA, Riddle MR, Tokunaga RY. (2011) Size makes a difference: Estimating lightness and luminance contrast with real light F1000research. 11: 368-368 |
Agganis BT, Muday JA, Schirillo JA. (2010) Visual biasing of auditory localization in azimuth and depth. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 111: 872-92 |
Dellorso S, Schirillo J. (2010) Light location influences the perceived locations of internal sounds Perception. 39: 91-102 |
Schirillo JA, Logvinenko AD. (2010) Lightness judgments made in shadow and highlight Journal of Vision. 6: 710-710 |