Jeff Elhai

Biology University of Richmond, Richmond, VA, United States 
"Jeff Elhai"
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Elhai J, Khudyakov I. (2018) Ancient association of cyanobacterial multicellularity with the regulator HetR and an RGSGR pentapeptide-containing protein (PatX). Molecular Microbiology. 110: 931-954
Elhai J. (2015) Highly Iterated Palindromic Sequences (HIPs) and Their Relationship to DNA Methyltransferases. Life (Basel, Switzerland). 5: 921-48
Corrales-Guerrero L, Mariscal V, Nürnberg DJ, et al. (2014) Subcellular localization and clues for the function of the HetN factor influencing heterocyst distribution in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. Journal of Bacteriology. 196: 3452-60
Khamar HJ, Breathwaite EK, Prasse CE, et al. (2010) Multiple roles of soluble sugars in the establishment of Gunnera-Nostoc endosymbiosis. Plant Physiology. 154: 1381-9
Elhai J, Kato M, Cousins S, et al. (2008) Very small mobile repeated elements in cyanobacterial genomes. Genome Research. 18: 1484-99
Elhai J. (2001) Determination of bias in the relative abundance of oligonucleotides in DNA sequences. Journal of Computational Biology. 8: 151-175
Matveyev AV, Young KT, Meng A, et al. (2001) DNA methyltransferases of the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120. Nucleic Acids Research. 29: 1491-506
Meeks JC, Elhai J, Thiel T, et al. (2001) An overview of the Genome of Nostoc punctiforme, a multicellular, symbiotic Cyanobacterium Photosynthesis Research. 70: 85-106
Wolk CP, Elhai J, Kuritz T, et al. (1993) Amplified expression of a transcriptional pattern formed during development of Anabaena Molecular Microbiology. 7: 441-445
Elhai J, Wolk CP. (1988) [83] Conjugal transfer of DNA to cyanobacteria Methods in Enzymology. 167: 747-754
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