Henri Cramail
Affiliations: | CNRS & Université de Bordeaux |
"Henri Cramail"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorMichel Fontanille | grad student | 1987-1990 | |
Alain Soum | grad student | 1997-2000 | |
William James Feast | post-doc | (Chemistry Tree) |
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Arcens D, Fer GL, Grau E, et al. (2020) Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of glycolipids, their polymerization and self-assembly Polymer Chemistry. 11: 3994-4004 |
Durand P, Chollet G, Grau E, et al. (2019) Versatile cross-linked fatty acid-based polycarbonate networks obtained by thiol–ene coupling reaction Rsc Advances. 9: 145-150 |
Onwukamike KN, Lapuyade L, Maillé L, et al. (2019) Sustainable Approach for Cellulose Aerogel Preparation from the DBU–CO2 Switchable Solvent Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 7: 3329-3338 |
Dworakowska S, Coz CL, Chollet G, et al. (2019) Cross‐Linking of Polyesters Based on Fatty Acids European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. 121: 1900264 |
Durand PL, Brège A, Chollet G, et al. (2018) Simple and Efficient Approach toward Photosensitive Biobased Aliphatic Polycarbonate Materials. Acs Macro Letters. 7: 250-254 |
Pawar GG, Robert F, Grau E, et al. (2018) Visible-light photocatalyzed oxidative decarboxylation of oxamic acids: a green route to urethanes and ureas. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, England) |
Söyler Z, Onwukamike KN, Grelier S, et al. (2018) Sustainable succinylation of cellulose in a CO2-based switchable solvent and subsequent Passerini 3-CR and Ugi 4-CR modification Green Chemistry. 20: 214-224 |
Onwukamike KN, Grelier S, Grau E, et al. (2018) Critical Review on Sustainable Homogeneous Cellulose Modification: Why Renewability Is Not Enough Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 7: 1826-1840 |
Onwukamike KN, Grelier S, Grau E, et al. (2018) Sustainable Transesterification of Cellulose with High Oleic Sunflower Oil in a DBU-CO2 Switchable Solvent Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 6: 8826-8835 |
Durand P, Brège A, Chollet G, et al. (2018) Simple and Efficient Approach toward Photosensitive Biobased Aliphatic Polycarbonate Materials Acs Macro Letters. 7: 250-254 |