Chelsey Hartley

Florida International University, Miami, FL, United States 
"Chelsey Hartley"
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Hatchel T, Ingram KM, Mintz S, et al. (2019) Predictors of Suicidal Ideation and Attempts among LGBTQ Adolescents: The Roles of Help-seeking Beliefs, Peer Victimization, Depressive Symptoms, and Drug Use Journal of Child and Family Studies. 28: 2443-2455
Meinzer MC, Hartley CM, Hoogesteyn K, et al. (2018) Development and Open Trial of a Depression Preventive Intervention for Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 25: 225-239
Hartley CM, Pettit JW, Bagner DM, et al. (2018) Reward Responsivity in Parenting: Development of a Novel Measure in Mothers of Young Children. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 40: 402-411
Silva C, Hurtado G, Hartley C, et al. (2018) Spanish translation and validation of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire. Psychological Assessment. 30: e21-e37
Moreland AD, Walsh K, Hartley C, et al. (2018) Investigating Longitudinal Associations Between Sexual Assault, Substance Use, and Delinquency Among Female Adolescents: Results From a Nationally Representative Sample. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine
Buitron V, Hartley CM, Pettit JW, et al. (2017) Aggressive Behaviors and Suicide Ideation in Inpatient Adolescents: The Moderating Roles of Internalizing Symptoms and Stress. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior
Hartley CM, Pettit JW, Castellanos D. (2017) Reactive Aggression and Suicide-Related Behaviors in Children and Adolescents: A Review and Preliminary Meta-Analysis. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior
Barroso NE, Hartley CM, Bagner DM, et al. (2015) The effect of preterm birth on infant negative affect and maternal postpartum depressive symptoms: A preliminary examination in an underrepresented minority sample. Infant Behavior & Development. 39: 159-65
Boustani MM, Frazier SL, Hartley C, et al. (2015) Perceived benefits and proposed solutions for teen pregnancy: qualitative interviews with youth care workers. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 85: 80-92
Hartley CM, Barroso N, Rey Y, et al. (2014) Factor structure and psychometric properties of english and spanish versions of the edinburgh postnatal depression scale among Hispanic women in a primary care setting. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 70: 1240-50
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