Kristie Garza

Neuroscience Emory University, Atlanta, GA 
"Kristie Garza"
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Prichard A, Garza KM, Shridhar A, et al. (2023) Brain rhythms control microglial response and cytokine expression via NF-κB signaling. Science Advances. 9: eadf5672
Garza KM, Zhang L, Borron B, et al. (2019) Gamma Visual Stimulation Induces a Neuroimmune Signaling Profile Distinct from Acute Neuroinflammation. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Ahlgrim NS, Garza K, Hoffman C, et al. (2019) Prodromes and Preclinical Detection of Brain Diseases: Surveying the Ethical Landscape of Predicting Brain Health. Eneuro
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