Andrew R Butler

2021- University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, United States 
Terrestrial Ecology
"Andrew Butler"
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Rem Moll grad student 2021- UNH
David S. Jachowski grad student 2016-2019 Clemson University
BETA: Related publications


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Jachowski D, Kays R, Butler A, et al. (2021) Tracking the decline of weasels in North America. Plos One. 16: e0254387
Marneweck C, Butler A, Gigliotti L, et al. (2021) Shining the spotlight on small mammalian carnivores: Global status and threats Biological Conservation. 255: 109005
Butler AR, Bly KLS, Harris H, et al. (2020) Home range size and resource use by swift foxes in northeastern Montana. Journal of Mammalogy. 101: 684-696
Jachowski DS, Butler A, Eng RYY, et al. (2020) Identifying mesopredator release in multi‐predator systems: a review of evidence from North America Mammal Review
Butler AR, Bly KLS, Harris H, et al. (2020) Life on the edge: habitat fragmentation limits expansion of a restored carnivore Animal Conservation
Butler AR, Bly KL, Harris H, et al. (2019) Winter movement behavior by swift foxes (Vulpes velox) at the northern edge of their range Canadian Journal of Zoology. 97: 922-930
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