Mark Stephen Dennison
Affiliations: | Army Research Laboratory |
virtual reality, motion sickness, human computer interaction, information visualizationGoogle:
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Sign in to add mentorMichael D'Zmura | grad student | UC Irvine | |
Ramesh Srinivasan | grad student | UC Irvine | |
Andre V. Harrison | post-doc | Army Research Laboratory | |
Pete Khooshabeh | post-doc | Army Research Laboratory |
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Dennison M, D'Zmura M. (2018) Effects of unexpected visual motion on postural sway and motion sickness. Applied Ergonomics. 71: 9-16 |
Dennison MS, D'Zmura M. (2017) Cybersickness without the wobble: Experimental results speak against postural instability theory. Applied Ergonomics. 58: 215-23 |
Norman S, Dennison M, Wolbrecht E, et al. (2016) Movement Anticipation and EEG: Implications for BCI-Contingent Robot Therapy. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering : a Publication of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society |
Dennison MS, Wisti AZ, D’Zmura M. (2016) Use of physiological signals to predict cybersickness Displays. 44: 42-52 |