Julian C Christou

Large Binocular Telescope Observatory 
High Spatial Resolution Imaging, Adaptive Optics, Speckle Imaging, Solar System, Binary Stars
"Julian Christou"
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Christou JC, Girkin J, Kulcsár C, et al. (2021) Feature issue introduction: applications of adaptive optics. Optics Express. 29: 11533-11537
Jolissaint L, Ragland S, Christou J, et al. (2018) Determination of the optical turbulence parameters from the adaptive optics telemetry: critical analysis and on-sky validation. Applied Optics. 57: 7837-7856
Stangalini M, Causi GL, Pedichini F, et al. (2018) Recurrence Quantification Analysis as a Post-processing Technique in Adaptive Optics High-contrast Imaging The Astrophysical Journal. 868: 6
Drummond JD, Merline WJ, Carry B, et al. (2018) The triaxial ellipsoid size, density, and rotational pole of asteroid (16) Psyche from Keck and Gemini AO observations 2004-2015 Icarus. 305: 174-185
Pedichini F, Stangalini M, Ambrosino F, et al. (2017) High Contrast Imaging in the Visible: First Experimental Results at the Large Binocular Telescope The Astronomical Journal. 154: 74
Stangalini M, Pedichini F, Pinna E, et al. (2017) Speckle statistics in adaptive optics images at visible wavelengths Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems. 3: 25001-25001
Brusa G, Ashby D, Christou JC, et al. (2016) Engineering aspects of the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory adaptive optics systems Proceedings of Spie. 9909: 990903
Veillet C, Ashby DS, Christou JC, et al. (2016) LBTO's long march to full operation: step 2 Proceedings of Spie. 9910
Hill JM, Rothberg B, Christou JC, et al. (2016) Telescope performance at the Large Binocular Telescope Proceedings of Spie. 9906
Miller DL, Taylor G, Christou JC, et al. (2016) Adaptive optics operations at the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory Proceedings of Spie. 9909
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