Anne Conway
Affiliations: | Columbia University, New York, NY |
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Conway A, Miller AL. (2023) Social jetlag longitudinally predicts internalizing and externalizing behavior for adolescent females, but not males. Chronobiology International. 1-15 |
Conway A. (2020) Longitudinal Associations between Parenting and Inattention, Impulsivity, and Delay of Gratification in Preschool-aged Children: The Role of Temperamental Difficultness and Toddler Attention Focusing. Developmental Neuropsychology. 45: 309-329 |
Black JM, Conway A. (2018) The Utility of Neuroscience for Social Work Research and Practice With Children and Adolescents Journal of the Society For Social Work and Research. 9: 261-284 |
Conway A, Waldfogel J, Wang Y. (2018) Parent education and income gradients in children's executive functions at kindergarten entry Children and Youth Services Review. 91: 329-337 |
Conway A, Modrek A, Gorroochurn P. (2017) Maternal Sensitivity Predicts Fewer Sleep Problems at Early Adolescence for Toddlers with Negative Emotionality: A Case of Differential Susceptibility. Child Psychiatry and Human Development |
MacKenzie MJ, Schwalbe C, Gearing RE, et al. (2017) Dysregulated infant temperament and caregiver warmth in Jordanian orphanages: The importance of considering goodness-of-fit Children and Youth Services Review. 82: 400-406 |
Conway A, Han W, Brooks-Gunn J, et al. (2017) First-Year Maternal Employment and Adolescent Externalizing Behavior Journal of Child and Family Studies. 26: 2237-2251 |
Conway A, Miller AL, Modrek A. (2016) Testing Reciprocal Links Between Trouble Getting to Sleep and Internalizing Behavior Problems, and Bedtime Resistance and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Toddlers. Child Psychiatry and Human Development |
Alonzo D, Conway A, Modrek AS. (2015) Latino suicidal adolescent psychosocial service utilization: The role of mood fluctuations and inattention. Journal of Affective Disorders. 190: 616-622 |
Conway A, McDonough SC, Mackenzie M, et al. (2014) Maternal sensitivity and latency to positive emotion following challenge: pathways through effortful control. Infant Mental Health Journal. 35: 274-84 |