Joel M Le Forestier

2018- Psychology University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Social psychology
"Joel M Le Forestier"
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Le Forestier JM, Page-Gould E, Chasteen A. (2024) Identity Concealment May Discourage Health-Seeking Behaviors: Evidence From Sexual-Minority Men During the 2022 Global Mpox Outbreak. Psychological Science. 9567976231217416
Le Forestier JM, Chan EW, Shephard R, et al. (2023) Why is concealment associated with health and wellbeing? An investigation of potential mechanisms. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 344: 116529
Le Forestier JM, Page-Gould E, Chasteen AL. (2023) Which Identities Are Concealable? Individual Differences in Concealability. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 1461672231198162
Walton GM, Murphy MC, Logel C, et al. (2023) Where and with whom does a brief social-belonging intervention promote progress in college? Science (New York, N.Y.). 380: 499-505
Ekstrom PD, Le Forestier JM, Lai CK. (2022) Racial Demographics Explain the Link Between Racial Disparities in Traffic Stops and County-Level Racial Attitudes. Psychological Science. 33: 497-509
Le Forestier JM, Page-Gould E, Lai CK, et al. (2021) Subjective Identity Concealability and the Consequences of Fearing Identity-Based Judgment. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 1461672211010038
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