Joydeep Bhattacharya

Psychology Goldsmiths, University of London, London, England, United Kingdom 
"Joydeep Bhattacharya"
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Job X, Golemme M, Bhattacharya J, et al. (2019) The influence of motor preparation on the processing of action-relevant visual features. Scientific Reports. 9: 11084
Cameron DJ, Zioga I, Lindsen JP, et al. (2019) Neural entrainment is associated with subjective groove and complexity for performed but not mechanical musical rhythms. Experimental Brain Research
Barik K, Daimi SN, Jones R, et al. (2019) A machine learning approach to predict perceptual decisions: an insight into face pareidolia. Brain Informatics. 6: 2
Fenwick P, Luft CDB, Ioannides A, et al. (2019) Neural Correlates of Transmitted Light Experience during Meditation: A Pilot Hyperscanning Study Neuroquantology. 17
Luft CDB, Zioga I, Bhattacharya J. (2018) Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) boosts dominant brain oscillations. Brain Stimulation
Bhattacharya J, Pereda E, Ioannou C. (2018) Functional associations at global brain level during perception of an auditory illusion by applying maximal information coefficient Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 491: 708-715
Bhattacharya J, Zioga I, Lewis R. (2017) Novel or consistent music? An electrophysiological study investigating music use in advertising. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics. 10: 137-152
Zioga I, Di Bernardi Luft C, Bhattacharya J. (2016) Musical Training Shapes Neural Responses to Melodic and Prosodic Expectation. Brain Research
Luft CD, Bhattacharya J. (2015) Aroused with heart: Modulation of heartbeat evoked potential by arousal induction and its oscillatory correlates. Scientific Reports. 5: 15717
Ioannou CI, Pereda E, Lindsen JP, et al. (2015) Electrical Brain Responses to an Auditory Illusion and the Impact of Musical Expertise. Plos One. 10: e0129486
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