James G. Colebatch

Prince of Wales Hospital Clinical School 
"James Colebatch"
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Calic Z, Peric S, Vujnic M, et al. (2024) Video head impulse gain is impaired in myotonic dystrophy types 1 and 2. European Journal of Neurology. 31: e16513
Govender S, Hochstrasser D, Todd NPM, et al. (2024) Responses to Brief Perturbations of Stance: EMG, Midline Cortical and Subcortical Changes. Journal of Neurophysiology
Govender S, Hochstrasser D, Todd NP, et al. (2023) Head Orientation Modulates Vestibular Cerebellar Evoked Potentials (VsCEPs) and Reflexes Produced by Impulsive Mastoid and Midline Skull Stimulation. Cerebellum (London, England)
Todd NPM, Govender S, Colebatch JG. (2022) Collic evoked potentials, myogenic potentials (CEMPs) and postural responses produced by brief 100 Hz vibration of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Neuroscience Letters. 781: 136677
Govender S, Todd NPM, Colebatch JG. (2022) Effects of posture on cerebellar evoked potentials (CEPs) following brief impulsive stimuli at the mastoid and trunk. Experimental Brain Research. 240: 1371-1385
Todd NPM, Govender S, Colebatch JG. (2021) Non-invasive recording from the human cerebellum during a classical conditioning paradigm using the otolith-evoked blink reflex. Neuroscience Letters. 765: 136270
Todd NPM, Govender S, Lemieux L, et al. (2021) Source analyses of axial and vestibular evoked potentials associated with brainstem-spinal reflexes show cerebellar and cortical contributions. Neuroscience Letters. 757: 135960
Govender S, Colebatch JG. (2020) Effects of viewing distance on ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (oVEMPs) for air- and bone-conducted stimuli at multiple sites. Journal of Vestibular Research : Equilibrium & Orientation
Govender S, Todd NPM, Colebatch JG. (2020) Correction to: Mapping the vestibular cerebellar evoked potential (VsCEP) following air- and bone-conducted vestibular stimulation. Experimental Brain Research
Colebatch JG, Govender S. (2020) Axial perturbations evoke increased postural reflexes in Parkinson's disease with postural instability. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 131: 928-935
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