Violeta Gisselle Lopez-Huerta, BSc, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2019- | Neurodevelopment and Physiology | UNAM IFC, Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico |
thalamus, sensory-motor processing, basal gangliaGoogle:
"Violeta Lopez-Huerta"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorJosé Bargas | grad student | 2007-2011 | Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
Elvira Galarraga | grad student | 2007-2011 | Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
Gordon Arbuthnott | post-doc | 2011-2015 | Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) |
Guoping Feng | post-doc | 2015-2018 | McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT |
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Rodriguez-Munoz DL, Jaidar O, Palomero-Rivero M, et al. (2021) In Vivo Wireless Optogenetic Control of Skilled Motor Behavior. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove |
Lopez-Huerta VG, Denton JA, Nakano Y, et al. (2021) Striatal bilateral control of skilled forelimb movement. Cell Reports. 34: 108651 |
Susco SG, Arias-García MA, López-Huerta VG, et al. (2020) FMR1 loss in a human stem cell model reveals early changes to intrinsic membrane excitability. Developmental Biology |
Li Y, Lopez-Huerta VG, Adiconis X, et al. (2020) Distinct subnetworks of the thalamic reticular nucleus. Nature |
Ghoshal A, Uygun DS, Yang L, et al. (2020) Effects of a patient-derived de novo coding alteration of CACNA1I in mice connect a schizophrenia risk gene with sleep spindle deficits. Translational Psychiatry. 10: 29 |
Piatkevich KD, Bensussen S, Tseng HA, et al. (2019) Population imaging of neural activity in awake behaving mice. Nature |
Krol A, Lopez-Huerta VG, Corey TEC, et al. (2019) Two eARCHT3.0 Lines for Optogenetic Silencing of Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Neurons. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 13: 4 |
Jáidar O, Carrillo-Reid L, Nakano Y, et al. (2019) Synchronized activation of striatal direct and indirect pathways underlies the behavior in unilateral dopamine-depleted mice. The European Journal of Neuroscience |
Ghoshal A, Uygun d, Yang l, et al. (2019) 49DYSFUNCTION OF CACNA1I IMPAIRED SLEEP SPINDLES DURING NREM European Neuropsychopharmacology. 29: S1095 |
Carrillo-Reid L, Lopez-Huerta VG, Garcia-Munoz M, et al. (2015) Cell Assembly Signatures Defined by Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity in Cortical Networks. International Journal of Neural Systems. 25: 1550026 |