Calvin Young, Ph.D.

2016- Department of Psychology University of Otago, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand 
"Calvin Young"
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Silva C, Young CK, McNaughton N. (2022) Prefrontal and hippocampal theta rhythm show anxiolytic-like changes during periaqueductal-elicited "panic" in rats. Hippocampus
Banstola A, Young CK, Parr-Brownlie L, et al. (2022) Dynamic interaction between hippocampus, orbitofrontal cortex, and subthalamic nucleus during goal conflict in the stop signal task in rats. Neuroscience Research
Young CK, Ruan M, McNaughton N. (2020) Speed modulation of hippocampal theta frequency and amplitude predicts water maze learning. Hippocampus
Young CK, McNaughton N. (2020) Mixed effecs of low-dose ethanol on cortical and hippocampal theta oscillations. Neuroscience
Young CK, Ruan M, McNaughton N. (2017) A Critical Assessment of Directed Connectivity Estimates with Artificially Imposed Causality in the Supramammillary-Septo-Hippocampal Circuit. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 11: 72
Ruan M, Young CK, McNaughton N. (2017) Bi-Directional Theta Modulation between the Septo-Hippocampal System and the Mammillary Area in Free-Moving Rats. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 11: 62
Ruan M, Young CK, McNaughton N. (2011) Minimal driving of hippocampal theta by the supramammillary nucleus during water maze learning. Hippocampus. 21: 1074-81
Young CK, McNaughton N. (2009) Coupling of theta oscillations between anterior and posterior midline cortex and with the hippocampus in freely behaving rats. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 19: 24-40
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