Dirk Steinke
Affiliations: | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
"Dirk Steinke"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorBruno Streit | grad student | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Evolution Tree) | |
Axel Meyer | grad student | 2002-2006 | University of Konstanz (Evolution Tree) |
Paul Hebert | post-doc | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeEllen Richard | grad student | 2017-2019 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Bilgenur Baloglu | grad student | 2018-2020 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Jennien Raffington | grad student | 2019-2020 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Marie-Eugenie Maggia | grad student | 2018-2022 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Sage Handler | grad student | 2019-2022 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Christopher Hempel | grad student | 2019-2022 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Julia Harvie | grad student | 2020-2022 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Natalie Houde | grad student | 2020-2022 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Lucie Vezina | grad student | 2021-2023 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Vasco Elbrecht | post-doc | 2017-2019 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Thomas Braukmann | post-doc | 2017-2020 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
Bettina Thalinger | post-doc | 2019-2022 | University of Guelph (Evolution Tree) |
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Castellanos-Labarcena J, Steinke D, Adamowicz SJ. (2024) Anomalous latitudinal gradients in parasitoid wasp diversity-Hotspots in regions with larger temperature range. The Journal of Animal Ecology |
Steinke D, McKeown JTA, Zyba A, et al. (2024) Low-cost, high-volume imaging for entomological digitization. Zookeys. 1206: 315-326 |
Jamonneau T, Dahruddin H, Limmon G, et al. (2024) Jump dispersal drives the relationship between micro- and macroevolutionary dynamics in the Sicydiinae (Gobiiformes: Oxudercidae) of Sundaland and Wallacea. Journal of Evolutionary Biology |
Hempel CA, Buchner D, Mack L, et al. (2023) Predicting environmental stressor levels with machine learning: a comparison between amplicon sequencing, metagenomics, and total RNA sequencing based on taxonomically assigned data. Frontiers in Microbiology. 14: 1217750 |
Hempel CA, Wright N, Harvie J, et al. (2022) Metagenomics versus total RNA sequencing: most accurate data-processing tools, microbial identification accuracy and perspectives for ecological assessments. Nucleic Acids Research |
Milián-García Y, Hempel CA, Janke LAA, et al. (2022) Mitochondrial genome sequencing, mapping, and assembly benchmarking for Culicoides species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Bmc Genomics. 23: 584 |
Elbrecht V, Lindner A, Manerus L, et al. (2021) A bright idea-metabarcoding arthropods from light fixtures. Peerj. 9: e11841 |
Crobe V, Ferrari A, Hanner R, et al. (2021) Molecular Taxonomy and Diversification of Atlantic Skates (Chondrichthyes, Rajiformes): Adding More Pieces to the Puzzle of Their Evolutionary History. Life (Basel, Switzerland). 11 |
Arida E, Ashari H, Dahruddin H, et al. (2021) Exploring the vertebrate fauna of the Bird's Head Peninsula (Indonesia, West Papua) through DNA barcodes. Molecular Ecology Resources |
Hleap JS, Littlefair JE, Steinke D, et al. (2021) Assessment of current taxonomic assignment strategies for metabarcoding eukaryotes. Molecular Ecology Resources |