Andrew J. King

University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
Auditory System
"Andrew King"
Mean distance: 13.95 (cluster 17)
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Jennifer K. Bizley grad student Oxford
Robert A. Campbell grad student Oxford
Amal Isaiah grad student Oxford
Peter Keating grad student Oxford
Kerry Walker grad student Oxford
Monzilur Rahman grad student 2015- Oxford
Maria Florencia Iacaruso grad student 2016- Oxford
Aleksandar Ivanov grad student 2016- Oxford
Jan Schnupp grad student 1991-1996 Oxford
Jerome Baron grad student 1994-1998 Oxford
Thomas Mrsic-Flogel grad student 1998-2001 Oxford
Natsumi Y. Homma grad student 2012-2016 Oxford
Sebastian A. Vasquez-Lopez grad student 2013-2017
Crystal Y. C. Leung grad student 2018-2018 Oxford
Michael Lohse grad student 2015-2019 Oxford
Douglas E.H. Hartley post-doc 2005- Oxford
Benjamin Willmore post-doc 2006- Oxford
Astrid Klinge-Strahl post-doc 2013- Oxford
Andreas L. Schulz post-doc 2003-2007 Oxford
Victoria M. Bajo Lorenzana post-doc 2003-2009 Oxford
Nicol S. Harper research scientist Oxford


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Max F.K. Happel collaborator
BETA: Related publications


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Lee TY, Weissenberger Y, King AJ, et al. (2024) Midbrain encodes sound detection behavior without auditory cortex. Elife. 12
Lohse M, King AJ, Willmore BDB. (2024) Subcortical origin of nonlinear sound encoding in auditory cortex. Current Biology : Cb
Nodal FR, Leach ND, Keating P, et al. (2024) Neural processing in the primary auditory cortex following cholinergic lesions of the basal forebrain in ferrets. Hearing Research. 447: 109025
Singer Y, Taylor LCL, Willmore BDB, et al. (2023) Hierarchical temporal prediction captures motion processing along the visual pathway. Elife. 12
Sanchez Jimenez A, Willard KJ, Bajo VM, et al. (2023) Persistence and generalization of adaptive changes in auditory localization behavior following unilateral conductive hearing loss. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 17: 1067937
Lohse M, Zimmer-Harwood P, Dahmen JC, et al. (2022) Integration of somatosensory and motor-related information in the auditory system. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16: 1010211
Barkus C, Bergmann C, Branco T, et al. (2022) Refinements to rodent head fixation and fluid/food control for neuroscience. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 381: 109705
Willmore BDB, King AJ. (2022) Adaptation in auditory processing. Physiological Reviews
Ivanov AZ, King AJ, Willmore BDB, et al. (2022) Cortical adaptation to sound reverberation. Elife. 11
Lohse M, Dahmen JC, Bajo VM, et al. (2021) Subcortical circuits mediate communication between primary sensory cortical areas in mice. Nature Communications. 12: 3916
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