Sheila Garos
Affiliations: | Psychological Science | Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX |
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Borgogna NC, Meyer CL, Trussell MR, et al. (2023) Further Understanding the Correlations Between Sexting and Mental Health: Considerations for Sex and Sexual Identity. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking |
Parent MC, Garos S, Branscome E, et al. (2018) What Is Bad From the Gander Is Bad From the Goose: Development and Validation of the Women's Objectification of Women Scale. Assessment. 1073191117754138 |
Kluck AS, Garos S, Shaw L. (2017) Sexual functioning and disordered eating: A new perspective. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic. 1-21 |
Phy JL, Orlando J, Zhang Y, et al. (2017) Effect of acupuncture on vascular biomarkers and psychological well-being of women undergoing IVF Fertility and Sterility. 108 |
Vencill JA, Tebbe EA, Garos S. (2015) It’s Not the Size of the Boat or the Motion of the Ocean The Role of Self-Objectification, Appearance Anxiety, and Depression in Female Sexual Functioning Psychology of Women Quarterly. 39: 471-483 |
Beggan JK, Vencill JA, Garos S. (2014) Vulnerable but aloof versus naughty and nice: contrasting the presentation of male and female nude models in Viva and Playboy. Journal of Sex Research. 51: 265-79 |
Beggan JK, Vencill JA, Garos S. (2013) The good-in-bed effect: college students' tendency to see themselves as better than others as a sex partner. The Journal of Psychology. 147: 415-34 |
Reid RC, Garos S, Fong T. (2012) Psychometric development of the hypersexual behavior consequences scale. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 1: 115-22 |
Reid RC, Carpenter BN, Hook JN, et al. (2012) Report of findings in a DSM-5 field trial for hypersexual disorder. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 9: 2868-77 |
Reid RC, Garos S, Carpenter BN, et al. (2011) A surprising finding related to executive control in a patient sample of hypersexual men. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 8: 2227-36 |