Amanda NeMoyer
Affiliations: | Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
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NeMoyer A, Cruz-Gonzalez M, Alvarez K, et al. (2020) Reducing racial/ethnic disparities in mental health service use among emerging adults: community-level supply factors. Ethnicity & Health. 1-21 |
Heilbrun K, Burke SC, NeMoyer A, et al. (2020) A Principles-Based Analysis of Change in Forensic Mental Health Assessment During a Global Pandemic. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law |
Chen R, Kessler RC, Sadikova E, et al. (2019) Racial and ethnic differences in individual-level and area-based socioeconomic status and 12-month DSM-IV mental disorders. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 119: 48-59 |
Alegria M, Shrout PE, Canino G, et al. (2019) The effect of minority status and social context on the development of depression and anxiety: a longitudinal study of Puerto Rican descent youth. World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa). 18: 298-307 |
NeMoyer A, Nakash O, Fukuda M, et al. (2019) Gathering Diverse Perspectives to Tackle "Wicked Problems": Racial/Ethnic Disproportionality in Educational Placement. American Journal of Community Psychology |
Alegría M, Fukuda M, Lapatin Markle S, et al. (2019) Mentoring future researchers: Advice and considerations. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 89: 329-336 |
Nemoyer A, Gale-Bentz E, Durham K, et al. (2019) Adverse Juvenile Probation Supervision Outcomes: Noncompliance, Revocation, and Failure to Appear at Review Hearings Criminal Justice and Behavior. 47: 145-165 |
Vilsaint CL, NeMoyer A, Fillbrunn M, et al. (2018) Racial/ethnic differences in 12-month prevalence and persistence of mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders: Variation by nativity and socioeconomic status. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 89: 52-60 |
Alegría M, NeMoyer A, Falgàs Bagué I, et al. (2018) Social Determinants of Mental Health: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go. Current Psychiatry Reports. 20: 95 |
NeMoyer A, Brooks Holliday S, Goldstein NE, et al. (2016) Predicting probation revocation and residential facility placement at juvenile probation review hearings: Youth-specific and hearing-specific factors. Law and Human Behavior. 40: 97-105 |